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Love What You Do!

Steve Jobs, an American business magnate, industrial designer, investor, and media proprietor, was the chairman, chief executive officer, and co-founder of Apple Inc.; chairman and majority shareholder of Pixar; a member of The Walt Disney Company‘s board of directors following its acquisition of Pixar; and founder, chairman, and CEO of NeXT. Jobs was widely recognized as a pioneer [...]

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physician holding a toy heart

Physician Work-Life Balance

For the unfamiliar, physician burnout is a long-term stress reaction experienced by physicians (as well as others working in the medical industry), that’s typically marked by depersonalization, mental and emotional exhaustion, as well as a lack of sense of personal accomplishment. It’s a problem that’s plagued healthcare workers for decades. A 2020 [...]

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group of people standing in a group with arms around each other

Telephone Nurse Triage’s Impact On Population Health

Population health is (as defined by the Center for Disease Control) an interdisciplinary, customizable approach that allows health departments to connect practice to policy for change to happen locally. The CDC describes this approach as different sectors of the healthcare community utilizing non-traditional partnerships among different sectors of the community (public [...]

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doctor with female patient

Federally Qualified Health Centers: Improving Mammography Screening Rates

The American Cancer Society reports that breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death among women in the United States. For more than 30 years, efforts to reduce breast cancer related deaths have focused on early detection through self-examinations as well as annual mammograms. Although mammography rates have increased dramatically [...]

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