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Partnering with Federally Qualified Health Centers

Uncertainty surrounding public healthcare exchanges and the impacts due to changes in Medicaid eligibility has caused many health systems to reexamine how they deliver care. Health systems that are seeking to provide greater value to their communities should consider collaborating with federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), given the special legal [...]

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The Impact of Appropriate Healthcare Resource Utilization

Today’s healthcare environment mandates the optimal utilization of all available resources. Every organization is scrambling to figure out how high quality care can be provided at a lower cost. Many organizations have hiring freezes, are suffering from decreased reimbursements and are relying on innovative administrative teams to work with budgets [...]

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Empathy’s Importance: Improving Medical Call Center Experiences

Solutions Improve When Your Partner has Empathy Most people would agree that delivering high-quality, cost-effective healthcare is very complicated, and that many organizations are relying more and more on consultants to help them be successful. Every day, dozens of potential solutions are offered for overcoming healthcare delivery challenges, and one [...]

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Three Benefits Partnering with a Hospital Call Center

Nearly all healthcare systems can benefit from offering comprehensive call center services to their patients. Partnerships can deliver 24-hour patient access to care, improved emergency department metrics, and lowered readmission rates, all while ensuring that patients receive needed advice from experienced triage nurses. Some of the top three benefits of [...]

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pile of files by a doctor

The Importance of Risk Stratification in Patient Healthcare

The Dictionary of Modern Medicine defines risk stratification as “the constellation of activities, i.e. lab and clinical testing used to determine a person’s risk for suffering a particular condition and need – or lack thereof – for preventive intervention.” Any discussions concerning risk stratification must then, include how identified patient [...]

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